Dark Hole offers a thriller story with mutants, and a deep reflection on societal values. Fear and anger can mobilize humans, and become a point of attachment for heinous acts. Deconstructing various institutions in society, Dark Hole reflects on how humans react in a state of crisis. Main Cast: Kim...
OCN’s Dark Hole gave an overview of the series through its two main leads pictured in a distressing situation. Touted as an action-thriller-human-survival drama, Dark Hole traverses the desperate survival of people against mutants that were mysteriously created by inhaling cryptic dark smoke from a sinkhole. To be directed by...
OCN’s upcoming dramatic cinema project has confirmed Kim Ok Bin and Lee Joon Hyuk in the main leads. Touted as an action-thriller-human-survival drama, 다크홀 Dark Hole (LT) traverses the desperate survival of people against mutants that were mysteriously created by inhaling cryptic dark smoke from a sinkhole. To be directed...