Romantic comedy series Dali and the Cocky Prince held its’ drama presentation with star actors Kim Min Jae, Park Gyu Young, Kwon Yul, Hwang Hee, and Yeon-woo. Directed by Lee Jung Sub and written by Son Eun Hye Dali and the Cocky Prince is an art romance that the audience can enjoy because...
Featuring Park Gyu Young, Kim Min Jae, and Kwon Yool, Dali And Cocky Prince creatively narrates requited and one-sided love stories among the lead cast. Premiering this September 22, Dali And Cocky Prince continues recreating parody paintings as their concept teasers. Furthermore, the series also releases comical video teasers that excite fans. Dali...
Actors Kim Min Jae, Park Kyu Young, Kwon Yul, Hwang Hee, Yeonwoo, and Hwang Bora, pose as famous painting subjects for Dali and Cocky Prince latest teasers. Premiering this September 22, KBS2’s Dali And The Cocky Prince excites fans with its recreation of iconic portrait paintings. Each character is also introduced with their...
Kim Min Jae, Park Gyu Young and Kwon Yul showcase their perfect synergy in the first table read of the upcoming KBS drama Dali and Cocky Prince! Slated for September premiere, the romantic-comedy series follows the romance between the daughter of a prestigious family who wants to save a ruined...