Previously, a highlight video containing the grand story of Love Song For Illusion was released, making prospective drama fans excited before the first broadcast. The series foreshadows the turbulent and heartbreaking story of a prince with two personalities and a concubine who is faced with an inevitable choice. Based on a webtoon...
KBS2 TV’s new series, Fantasy Sonata acquaints viewers with the four lead characters in their respective posters. Based on a webtoon of the same name, Fantasy Sonata blends fantasy, history, drama and romance as it traverses the story of a man with two conflicting personalities and the woman who loves...
KBS 2TV’s new Monday-Tuesday drama Fantasy Sonata, is scheduled to be broadcast in January next year. Based on a webtoon of the same name, Fantasy Sonata blends fantasy, history, drama and romance as it traverses the story of a man with two conflicting personalities and the woman who loves him...
A preview of Fantasy Sonata‘s female protagonist is unveiled showing off her charm and back story. Based on a webtoon of the same name, Fantasy Sonata blends fantasy, history, drama and romance as it traverses the story of a man with two conflicting personalities and the woman who loves him...
Park Jihoon transforms into a crown prince with two personalities in Fantasy Sonata. Based on a webtoon of the same name, Fantasy Sonata blends fantasy, history, drama and romance as it traverses the story of a man with two conflicting personalities and the woman who loves him in a refreshing...
The two talented young artists are set to lead KBS2 TV’s new Monday-Tuesday drama Fantasy Sonata. Based on a webtoon of the same name, Fantasy Sonata blends fantasy, history, drama and romance as it traverses the story of a man with two conflicting personalities and the woman who loves him...
Showcasing his extraordinary side as an artist, Park Ji Hoon shared his journey in Weak Hero. Park Ji Hoon, a 23-year-old singer and actor, has begun a new challenge in his career. Through Wavve’s original series Weak Hero, he proves how versatile he can be. To portray his fierce and...
Park Jihoon enthralls with his latest character transformation in Weak Hero! In the drama, he portrays Yeon Si-eun, the smartest in the school who fights against numerous violence. He is not interested in anything other than studying. With that, he uses his intelligence and keen observation to strategically fight violence...
Heralding the birth of the unprecedented hero, Park Ji Hoon, Choi Hyun Wook, and Hong Kyung round up the lead cast for Wavve original drama Weak Hero. Weak Hero is an action-adventure drama that chronicles the narrative of a model student who faces many sorts of violence both inside and...
In the newly-released drama stills for At A Distance Spring Is Green, Park Ji Hoon attracts attention with his dazzling visuals. Intended to showcase the young people’s lives when viewed from a distance and viewed from up close, At A Distance Spring Is Green follows the story of college students...