Creating another memorable character in Doona! – Suzy shares stories about her latest work. In Doona!, you can dive into the unexpected romance between Lee Doona, a reclusive former K-POP idol, and Lee Won-jun, a grounded university student whose life revolves around tangible realities. At its core, Doona! is about...
Ahead of its Netflix launch, the lead pair and director of Doona! share insights and preparations for the series. In Doona!, you can dive into the unexpected romance between Lee Doona, a reclusive former K-POP idol, and Lee Won-jun, a grounded university student whose life revolves around tangible realities. Doona!...
Ordinary university student Lee Won-jun’s life takes a delightful turn when he moves into a shared house occupied by retired K-pop idol Doona. As the premiere date of October 20 for Doona! approaches, the main trailer and key art give fans a taste of what’s to come. The Blossoming Romance...
From housemates to being more intimate, Doona! peeks at how the relationship between the lead stars progressed. Doona! traces the fates of Lee Won-jun, a college student, and the enigmatic ex-K-Pop idol, Lee Doona, as they meet and fall in love while living in a sharehouse. Following the teaser trailer...
A powerhouse lead pairing is sealed for the upcoming Netflix series, 이두나 Lee Doona! (LT). Marking her drama comeback since her lauded performance in the series Anna, Bae Suzy will draw a romantic story with Yang Se Jong. Notably, this will be Yang’s post-military service drama. Billed as a romance-cohabitation...
Joining the talented actress are Jung Eun Chae, Kim Joon Han and Park Ye Young. Directed by Lee Joo Young, Anna is a thriller drama about a woman named “Anna” who has ‘Ripley Syndrome.’ This disorder is considered a type of antisocial personality, wherein an individual has a hard time communicating with...