The King’s Affection revokes a dynamic history while also heralding the beginning of new stories for its grand premiere! With the goal of defining love in a variety of ways, the series is off to a promising start in terms of foreshadowing a plot and well-developed characters. The narrative captures...
Set to parade a poignant palace romance, the much-awaited love pair to dominate the K-Drama world are set to ascend on October 11. As the release of The King’s Affection approaches, worldwide fans anticipate the heart-fluttering and dizzying historical romance of Park Eun Bin and Kim Rowoon. Before heading to its first...
Park Eun Bin anticipates her next project in The King’s Affection, following her decorated projects thus far. The King’s Affection, which premieres on October 11, is a palace romance drama about a princess who wears the identity of her departed twin brother. Park Eun Bin prepares her next project and...