Based on a popular novel, the two actresses are billed to bring warmth to a new fantasy story. The Mysterious Candy Store is a fantasy drama depicting the magical story of the cryptic candy store Jeoncheondang, where the mysterious owner Hong-ja sells wishes-granting sweets to the people who visit. Director...
Based on a popular novel, the two actresses are billed to bring warmth to a new fantasy story. The series is a fantasy drama depicting the magical story of the cryptic candy store Jeoncheondang, where the mysterious owner Hong-ja sells wishes-granting sweets to the people who visit. This is a...
Hello, Me! openly tells that life’s circumstances sometimes test our choices, whether to walk away or strive harder to get the life we always dreamed of. The drama narrates the story of a woman whose life before turned upside down because of a traumatic event that completely changed her dreams. Main...