A new interesting batch of death angels is set to engross K-Drama viewers when Tomorrow premieres this month! They probably have the most arduous task as their work involves the afterlife. Based on a webtoon written by Rama, the new series shares the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally...
Flawlessly expressing a cold-blooded leader, Lee Soo Hyuk discloses his love and passion for embracing his character in Tomorrow. Based on a webtoon written by Rama, Tomorrow follows the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally meets grim reapers on a special mission. He then becomes a temporary worker in...
The lead cast of MBC’s upcoming Friday – Saturday drama, Tomorrow, gathered for the script-reading session. Based on a webtoon written by Rama, Tomorrow shares the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally meets grim reapers on a special mission. He then becomes a temporary worker in the underworld. Writer Park...
JTBC launches a new entertainment program featuring a set of lauded actors opening a special Gyeongyang restaurant. Choi Ji Woo, Cha In Pyo, Cho Se Ho, Lee Jang Woo, Max Chang Min, and Lee Soo Hyuk have confirmed their appearances in the premiere episode of JTBC’s 시고르 경양식 Bistro Shigor...
Pipeline explores the underground world of oil heist for an action movie fused with comedy. Famous for drilling holes in pipelines, Kang Se-dol who is often called “Pindol” (Drill-bit) (Seo In Guk), is recruited by Hwang Gun-woo (Lee Soo Hyuk) to drill into the biggest pipeline in Korea. Along with...
tvN seems know no moderation in tapping such talented cast for its new series top-billed by Park Bo Young and Seo In Guk! Because hey, joining them are Lee Soo Hyuk, Kang Tae Oh and Shin Do Hyun, actors who are synonymous to “immersive portrayal”. Coming soon in the first...