Serving a thrilling, action-crime drama, Deliver Us From Evil is a movie that makes viewers hold their breath and be at the edge of their seats while watching! Deliver Us From Evil is a 2020 Korean film directed and written by Director Hong Wonchan. The movie chronicles the story of...
Anticipating a strong role, Lee Jung Jae hoped for something different after accepting Gi-hun in Squid Game. Squid Game, a Netflix original series, tells the story of participants in a cryptic survival game. Players, including Gi-hun, risk their lives to vie for the price of 45.6 billion dollars. Following the...
Netflix’s Squid Game has published new stills showing heightened tension among the characters participating in the life-threatening game. This series follows the story of people who took part in a mysterious survival game with a 45.6 billion won prize. Risking their lives to become the ultimate winner of the extreme...