Joining Lee Hanee as the main lead pair, rising actor Lee Jong Won secures his first male lead role in Flowers That Bloom At Night (LT). Flowers That Bloom At Night tells the story of a widow who lives a double life and goes beyond the wall at night to...
MBC’s upcoming Friday-Saturday series continues to engross viewers with its display of splendid and regal teasers. Based on the popular Naver webtoon of the same name, Golden Spoon tells the life adventure of a child born in a poor family, who obtained a golden spoon. Thereafter, his fate changed with...
Stuck in an arranged marriage, Jung Chae Yeon plays Na Joo-hee, who dreams to escape her fate as in MBC’s Golden Spoon. Based on the popular Naver webtoon of the same name, Golden Spoon tells the life adventure of a child born in a poor family, who obtained a golden...