Youth retro-romance drama, Oasis, teases fans with captured memories from recently held table-read. Oasis depicts the story of three young people who fiercely work hard to protect their dreams, friendship and once-in-a-lifetime first love against the backdrop of a turbulent Korea from the 1980s to the 1990s. In the drama, Jang...
KBS2 announced the lead cast for new youth drama scheduled to broadcast next year. 오아시스 Oasis (LT) depicts the story of three young people who fiercely work hard to protect their dreams, friendship and once-in-a-lifetime first love against the backdrop of a turbulent Korea from the 1980s to the 1990s....
Foreshadowing a powerful ensemble cast portrayal, Project Wolf Hunting reveals intense visual stills. The Wolf Hunting threads on the story of a mission to transport heinous criminals from the middle of the Pacific Ocean to Korea in three days, a task that even Interpol abandoned. Gracing the film are the lauded...
It’s official! The casting for the film Long D was sealed with Jang Dong Yoon and Park Yoo Na playing the roles of long-distance lovers. The film tackles how long-distance relationships work in our era. Jang Doo Yoon and Park Yoo Na are uniting in serving a romantic film on...
New historical drama, Joseon Exorcist, top-billed by Kam Woo Sung, Jang Dong Yoon and Park Sung Hoon is sealed on SBS camp next season! Yonhap reported the network’s announcement of 조선구마사 Joseon Exorcist (literal translation) slated for 2021 season broadcast. The current pandemic situation has seen a huge effect on historical...