The latest hero of SBS Friday-Saturday drama relays his thoughts about Flex X Cop, working hard and career goals. For Ahn Bo Hyun, Flex X Cop is a work of gratitude and burden. Not only did he follow in the footsteps of Lee Je Hoon (Taxi Driver) and Kim Nam...
The new SBS series ostensibly captures distinct colors of its characters in the latest teaser. Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and a third-generation childish chaebol who...
Park Ji Hyun pairs up with Ahn Bo Hyun In Flex X Cop! Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and a third-generation childish chaebol who loves having...
Rich, resourceful and fashionable – Ahn Bohyun stars as the son of a conglomerate owner who joins the police’s Violent Crimes Unit. When a procedural mix-up sees the son of a wealthy Korean conglomerate owner get parachuted into a new role with the police’s Violent Crimes Unit, the heir will...
The exciting bickering between a parachute tycoon detective and a genius police officer heightens interest in the upcoming SBS series! Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and...
Ahn Bo Hyun looks expensive and adorable in the first stills of SBS series, Flaunt X Cop! Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and a third-generation childish...
Following SBS’s Friday-Saturday refreshing crime story tradition, the new series takes the baton in 2024. 재벌X형사 Chaebol X Detective (LT) follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. SBS has built a trustworthy reputation in its dramas with humorous character plays and exciting narratives of good and punishment...