MBC’s Golden Spoon teases anticipating viewers about the love pairing to manifest in the story. Based on the popular Naver webtoon of the same name, Golden Spoon tells the life adventure of a child born in a poor family, who obtained a golden spoon. Thereafter, his fate changed with a...
MBC’s upcoming Friday-Saturday series continues to engross viewers with its display of splendid and regal teasers. Based on the popular Naver webtoon of the same name, Golden Spoon tells the life adventure of a child born in a poor family, who obtained a golden spoon. Thereafter, his fate changed with...
Stuck in an arranged marriage, Jung Chae Yeon plays Na Joo-hee, who dreams to escape her fate as in MBC’s Golden Spoon. Based on the popular Naver webtoon of the same name, Golden Spoon tells the life adventure of a child born in a poor family, who obtained a golden...
Stunning hues adorned the sneak peeks on the main characters that will grace The King’s Affection. The new KBS2 series depicts the story of a princess who assumes her twin brother’s identity when he died. It is based on a comic book series inspired by imaginations about a woman rising...