Present at the recent drama presentation of Happiness were lead actors Han Hyo Joo, Park Hyung Sik and Jo Woo Jin. Boasting pleasant chemistry, the lead stars share stories and insights about their latest series. Billed as a “new normal” city thriller, Happiness takes place in a time when infectious...
Teaser photos and videos of Happiness added more curiosity to the unique thriller apocalyptic drama that traces social injustices. The upcoming apocalyptic drama of TVING, Happiness, features the anticipated synergy of Park Hyung Sik and Han Hyo Joo. This refreshing drama series is created through the collaboration of Director Ahn Gil Ho and...
Cameras are ready to roll for tvN’s highly-anticipated series, Happiness! tvN’s upcoming offering has confirmed the appearances of Han Hyo Joo, Park Hyung Sik, and Jo Woo Jin. Taking an apocalyptic tone, Happiness depicts the lives of people isolated in high-rise apartments where a miniature version of hierarchal society occurs....