ENA’s new midweek series, Unlock The Boss, piques interest with its interesting premise. Based on a webtoon of the same name, the series is slated for December 7 airing. It chronicles the story of a boss who gets trapped in his smartphone and an intern who picked up his mobile...
Featuring the lives of twenty-five-year-old badminton players, Love All Play reels in prospective viewers with its unveiled teasers. Set to premiere on April 20, Love All Play follows Park Tae-yang (Park Ju Hyun) and Park Tae-joon (Chae Jong Hyeop), who are both able to find work in Badmindton. Serving a...
The Witch’s Diner powerfully gave a message that we all have the freedom and decision to choose the things we want in life. The drama triumphantly conveyed that each people in this world has that one wish that they want to happen, may it be for their happiness or the happiness...
The actor’s charming and heart-melting eye smile catches the hearts of many viewers from in his recent projects. Debuted in 2018, the actor has made himself known with his unique and unparalleled charms in small roles in Come and Hug Me as well as Stove League. Early this year, he...
TVING’s new fantasy Korean web series opens its doors to its customers in July! Song Ji Hyo will play the role of Witch Hee-ra who runs a restaurant that sells wishes with a price. Along with her is Nam Ji Hyun as Manager Jin and Chae Jong Hyeop as part-timer...
A character not to be missed in Sisyphus The Myth, the actor has warm memories to look back on in his latest work. Cha Jong Hyeop portrays the role of Jae-sun, a Chinese restaurant employee who succeeded in reversing his poor life by winning the lottery. That is coming from...