tvN’s new Monday-Tuesday drama, Delightfully Deceitful dawns drama promotion with previews of the characters portrayed by Chun Woo Hee and Kim Dong Wook. Delightfully Deceitful tells the collaboration between two completely different people, a fraudster who cannot empathize and an overly sympathetic lawyer. It is a revenge story against absolute...
Scheduled to stream on February 17, Netflix’s original film, Unlocked, releases new teaser photos. Unlocked is a realistic thriller about an ordinary office worker who loses her smartphone containing all her personal information and begins to face threats in her daily life. It contains the worst situations that can happen...
Netflix film Unlocked drops the launch date along with a poster and lead characters’ sketches. Unlocked is a realistic thriller about an ordinary office worker who loses her smartphone containing all her personal information and begins to face threats in her daily life. It contains the worst situations that can...
Be Melodramatic bares a not-so-melodrama plot as it tells about relatable light stories among friends. Set in the broadcasting world, layered with an ample amount of women empowering messages, viewers can easily fall in love with the female leads of the series as they show unique personalities and interesting love...