My Name fuses an unpredictable and powerful story in its recently released teaser. Netflix’s new series, My Name, portrays the terrible truth of a vindictive Ji Woo (Han So Hee). She disguises herself as a police officer in order to apprehend the murderer of her father. Additionally, the recently published...
Han So Hee, Ahn Bo Hyun, and Park Hee Soon set a fierce and charismatic atmosphere in the recent poster of My Name. Following the story of Yoon Ji Woo (Han So Hee), My Name chronicles her vengeful story. To find the murderer of his father, she goes undercover as a...
Netflix’s new series, My Name, releases a teaser trailer that piques fans’ interest. My Name depicts a dramatic action that follows the cruel reality of Ji Woo, portrayed by Han So Hee. She enters an organization under a new name to identify the person who murdered his father. In the...
After her sweet character in Nevertheless, Han So Hee challenges a new genre in an upcoming action-thriller drama, My Name. Directed by Kim Jin Min and written by Kim Ba Da, My Name follows the story of Yoon Ji-woo (Han So Hee), who seeks revenge after witnessing her father’s death. Ji-Woo works in an...
Confirmed to broadcast on October 15, Han So Hee returns as a revenge-driven undercover agent in My Name. Along with actors Ahn Bo Hyun, Park Hee Sun, and other veteran actors, Han So Hee sets to lead the eagerly-anticipated Netflix series. Han So Hee & Ahn Bo Hyun Clinch New...
A definition of exquisite and sheer beauty, Han So Hee graces the cover page of Harper’s BAZAAR Korea along with an interview. This September, sought-after actress Han So Hee will be making her first magazine cover pictorial with Harper’s BAZAAR. Posing under the concept “Portraits of So Hee,” the actress...
Nevertheless star Han So Hee bails out of the film Gentleman due to health reasons. On August 4, her agency U-ATTO Entertainment made an official statement confirming the actress getting off the project. According to the agency, Han So Hee was motivated to appear in the movie. However, due to...
Nevertheless is all set to premiere tonight on JTBC and Netflix. Top-billed by Han So Hee and Song Kang, the series aims to traverse the genuine highs and lows of youth romance. On June 18, the lead stars and director Kim Ga Ram met the press to share insights about...
Tomorrow, Nevertheless, starring Han So Hee and Song Kang will air its first episode. It chronicles the story of two people on the path of braving genuine and realistic love. Many say that true love comes to those who wait, and you’ll accept their flaws and imperfections no matter what....
Nevertheless couple, Song Kang and Han So Hee, together with fellow cast members are featured in charismatic photos unveiled by JTBC. Actors Yang Hye Ji, Kim Min Gwi, Lee Ho Jung, and Yoon Seo Ah also show their character portrayal in the released photos. Directed by Kim Ga-Ram and written by...