Breaking away from her usual roles, Coupang Play’s thriller-drama series paraded a new side of Bae Suzy’s acting prowess. Anna is a story brewing deception and revenge. This series has six episodes, and in detail, Bae Suzy pretends to be someone else to escape the harsh reality of her dull and...
If only the world is a wish-granting factory, the impostor Lee Anna need not worry about consequences. But alas, the world is not. Now living a married life, it gets harder for Yoo Mi to keep up with the lies she spun. Almost at her wit’s end, she must play...
Contrary to her past acting roles, the Nation’s First Love Bae Suzy exhibits her acting prowess as the scheming “Anna“. Ever since Coupang Play unveiled the teasers and trailers for the new series Anna, fans had been anticipating Bae Suzy’s return to the small screens. Known for her stunning visuals...
Upon the successful premiere of Coupang Play’s Anna, Bae Suzy talks about her character’s backstory and preparation process. Coupang Play series Anna held an interview at a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, on the morning of June 29. The new drama series aired its first broadcast on the 24th of this month....