Artificial City proved that giving up one’s value for wealth and power is not a viable strategy to attain peace. Throughout the series, it is expected to receive showers of frustration as the protagonist squanders her efforts and even ruins her self-worth. Unfortunately, the finale does not make up for all...
Making their small-screen return, Soo Ae and Kim Kang Woo decorate eagerly-awaited series, Artificial City! Highlighting the story of things that lose their value when greed and power come into play, the series will run for 20-episodes and will be simulcast within 24 hours from Korea on K-PLUS channel. “Artificial...
Slated for December 8 premiere, JTBC’s new drama, Artificial City, has unfurled the characters to meet in the series. Artificial City is a unique mystery thriller drama about a woman’s desire to rise to the highest position in Korea against a powerful chaebol family who runs Sungjin Group, a conglomerate...
It’s a mixture of fan-favorite and staple story genres in the coming December 2021 Korean Dramas! Avid and casual viewers can pick from a wide array of stories featuring popular and seasoned actors staging their drama comebacks. Gong Yoo, Lee Dong Wook, Lee Jin Wook, bae Doona and Soo Ae...
Award-winning actress Soo Ae ferociously poses in the recent teasers of JTBC’s mystery-thriller drama Artificial City. Directed by Jun Chang Geun and written by Son Se Dong, Artificial City sets the background in an art museum that belongs to Sung Jin group, a major conglomerate that holds the political and financial domain...
Adding Artificial City to its pumped roster, JTBC is really ensuring a top-notch drama experience for viewers this season! Celebrating its 10th anniversary, JTBC has been so far enticing drama fans with a slew of Korean dramas to watch out for! Its newest actors to tap are Soo Ae and Kim...