“Do you really want something fun?” This question opens the zany teaser trailer for The 8 Show, a thrilling new Netflix series that follows eight individuals trapped in a mysterious 8-story building, participating in a high-stakes show where the prize money goes up the longer they stay. Already attracting attention...
Netflix’s The 8 Show is confirmed to be released on May 17th. The 8 Show is about 8 people being trapped in a secret space divided into 8 floors and earning money over time. It is a work that tells the story of what happens while participating in a sweet...
Renowned filmmaker Director Han Jae-rim’s first series, The 8 Show will be released on Netflix next year. The 8 Show is about 8 people being trapped in a secret space divided into 8 floors and earning money over time. It is a work that tells the story of what happens...
Depicting multiple faces of reality, Beasts Clawing at Straws tracks down the root of human greed. Diligently working at a sauna, Jung-man (Bae Sung Woo) sees a bag of money left by a customer. He takes care of his mother with dementia together with his wife Young-sun (Jin Kyung). Tae-young...