Earlier, the lead stars of Decoy introduced their roles and conveyed their insights into their latest project. Decoy is billed as a crime thriller drama that traces a rare criminal who is known to have committed a fraud of 5 trillion won. He died while on the run and was...
Slated for January 27 release, Coupang Play’s Decoy unleashes new teaser photos featuring Jang Keun Suk! To be directed by Kim Hong Sun (Voice, The Guest, Money Heist Korea), Bait is billed as a crime thriller series that uncovers the truth of past cold crime cases through heinous crimes happening at...
Coupang Play’s The Bait finally confirmed its release on January 27, along with the first poster and trailer release. To be directed by Kim Hong Sun (Voice, The Guest, Money Heist Korea), Decoy is billed as a crime thriller drama that traces a rare criminal who is known to have...