Perhaps the most underrated in the popular series franchise, Reply 1994 doesn’t hold back on the quirkiness and warm memories. Reply 1994 keeps the trend of the guessing game throughout the entire drama. Caught between two great guys, the series is known to keep its viewers guessing right up to the...
With the recent conclusion of IDOL: The Coup, producers Daniel Park and Charles Chu share details about its creative process! IDOL: The Coup, an iQiyi original and exclusive, follows the story of a fictitious girl group named Cotton Candy on their journey to reach number one before they disband. Although...
There is still hope for dreamers even at the experience of failure in IDOL: The Coup. Experiencing failure in some sort is inevitable in life. Fictional idol group Cotton Candy in IDOL: The Coup proves that one can rise up even with the experience of failure. Main Cast: Ahn Hee...
Cotton Candy members collectively find a solution to Stella’s troubling past in IDOL: The Coup. As the exposure of Cotton Candy increases, they are finally able to hold their fan signing event. However, a man startles Stella at the event, and he turns out to be a director who has...
Although he cherishes his unit’s song, Ji-han reveals the truth in the press conference and makes way for Cotton Candy in IDOL: The Coup. Ji-han disappears and becomes out of contact after his conversation with Bbiyong, who emphasized how Mars can be affected along the process of being just. However,...
Having similar melodies with Mars’ unit, Jenna refuses to give up her group’s song in the latest episode of IDOL: The Coup. Raising the concern to CEO Cha, Jenna wavers to give up her originally made song, but later fights for her group’s rights to it. CEO Cha offers to...
Starpeace Entertainment saves its artists, turning the tides of the public opinion in the recent episode of IDOL: The Coup. Jenna carries on with her decision to be a backup dancer for KillA along with Elle. Despite that, Cotton Candy has also successfully performed their collaboration with Mars. A news article...
In the latest episode of IDOL: The Coup, Troy and Cotton Candy reminisce about their plans of collaborating. As Troy’s conditions request for Elle’s sincere apology, Jenna follows Elle around to persuade her to come back, and also fulfill Troy’s condition. Cotton Candy members are angered with the revelation that...
In the latest episode of IDOL: The Coup, Jenna humbly approaches Troy, a now competent producer who has an unpleasant past with Cotton Candy. Dropping Bbiyong as their producer, Jenna decides to try asking for help from Troy even though they have an unpleasant past. Cotton Candy releases a new...