Adapting to a new K-Drama format dawns as a significant change to K-Dramaland as seen in the roster of 2022 Korean Dramas. Divided into seasons or parts, the move weighs in a chance for the production teams to better the story if the reception was not quite received. Inevitably, the...
Portraying a character confused with his self-identity in Blind, Ok Taecyeon shares his thoughts on the drama’s end. Taking on the role of a passionate detective in Blind, actor Ok Taecyeon portrays Ryu Sung-jun, who plays a significant role in exposing the truth about Hope Welfare Center. While he is...
Revenge isn’t always the solution, and Blind ensures that there are fair ways to punish evil. Bright backgrounds can be blinding and deceiving, so people believe in one’s flawlessness. Living life differently, two contrasting brothers in a seemingly perfect family undergo a series of betrayals in search of the truth....
Through In-seong, Sung-jun realizes that Sung-hoon has been an accomplice in the juror murders in Blind. Sung-jun discovers that Sung-hoon has been the designer of the revenge plans executed by In-seong. Mr. Bae dies, and a video of his meeting with Minister Na and Chief Yeom gets exposed in the...
Eun-ki and Sung-jun fall in disbelief after realizing the truth in the recent episodes of Blind. In-seong locks Eun-ki and the rest of the people involved in Hope Welfare Center in the same basement they were in before. With Sung-hoon’s help, Sung-jun and the police catch In-seong. However, as he...
Hiding behind a smile and a kind image, In-seong turns out to be responsible for the killings in Blind. Sung-hoon finds Yu-na dead bleeding in a cabinet. Finding the culprit on his own, he gets stabbed. Tracking down the weapon and Yu-na’s dying message, Sung-jun discovers the real identity of...
Released from murder accusations, Sung-jun traces the connection of the jurors to Hope Welfare Center in Blind. Following their mother’s request, Sung-hoon hands over the footage of the real killer of Jung Man-chun. Back in investigating, Sung-jun and Eun-ki find people related to Hope Welfare Center. As Sung-jun sees the...
On a mission to save An Tae-ho, Sung-jun goes to the location of Hope Welfare Center in Blind. Sung-jun and Sung-hoon track Manager An’s past addresses and learn about his kind nature. The two and the jurors receive a spam-like message with a link showing An Tae-ho tortured. Eun-ki figures...
Included in the set of jurors, Manager An admits hitting Mr. Choi as he is number 7 in Blind. Sung-hoon hears from Mr. Choi about number 13, and Sung-jun admits to Eun-ki that he lost his memory but remembers being number 13 Jung Yoon-jae. Though tortured by Mr. Baek, Manager...
Pursuing the truth of the death of Jung Man-chun and his family, Sung-jun receives help from Eun-ki and Sung-hoon in Blind. Left with no one to ask for help from, Sung-jun takes his chances by calling Eun-ki, who positively responds to rescue him. Though he has doubts about Sung-hoon helping...