Embracing his newfound popularity, Byeon Woo Seok cherishes the nickname “the cure for Monday disease,” considering it the most endearing moniker he’s received. The actor sat down for a media interview sharing his thoughts about his popularity and recent series. In this heartwarming story, diehard fangirl Im Sol’s world is...
Working together with Kim Yoo Jung in 20th Century Girl, actor Byeon Woo Seok describes how he prepared for his first leading role in a movie. Saved in a videotape, 20th Century Girl recollects memories from the year 1999 when a girl named Na Bo-ra fulfills her best friend’s wish...
Triumphantly capturing the viewers’ hearts by depicting a handsome prince, Byeon Woo Seok expresses his impressions of Moonshine‘s amazing feat. In the drama, Byeon Woo Seok depicts a tall, handsome prince who has brilliant martial arts skills. However, when he wanders to unwanted places outside the palace, he is quite...