As the finale episode finally wrapped up, Seo In Guk shared his thoughts on the end of the KBS2 drama Cafe Minamdang. Seo In Guk, who plays Nam Han-jun, exudes charm and cleverness in Cafe Minamdang a novel by Jung Jae Han. It is directed by Ko Jae Hyun and Yoon...
KBS2 is set to bring a refreshing comical and mystery series on June 27, vouched by the anticipated lead cast of Cafe Minamdang! Seo In Guk, Oh Yeon Seo, Kwak Si Yang, and Kang Mi Na are ready to introduce their characters for KBS2’s Cafe Minamdang. Nearing its premiere day, the cast of the...
Cafe Minamdang’s female lead, Oh Yeon Seo, expresses her excitement as she finds aptitude in her new role. Taking acting transformation to the next level, she adds beauty and grace to the mystery and action drama, Cafe Minamdang. Portraying an enthusiastic detective named Han Jae Hee, her life intertwines with...