Prepare to be captivated by the gripping tale of Uprising, which premieres on October 11, exclusively on Netflix. Uprising sets the stage for a captivating tale amidst the turmoil of war, focusing on the complex dynamics between two childhood friends who become adversaries. The film is set to premiere on...
Directed by Kim Sang-man and produced by the renowned Park Chan-wook, Uprising promises to deliver an emotionally charged narrative set against the turbulence of war. Uprising centers on the complex relationship between two childhood friends, Cheon-yeong and Jong-ryeo, who, despite their deep bond, are separated by their differing social statuses—Cheon-yeong is...
Actors Jang Ki Yong, Cha Seung Won, Park Hee Soon, Roh Jeong Eui, and Kim Dae Myung have officially confirmed their roles in the upcoming series and the production has now entered full-scale filming. Pigpen (WT) is a mystery thriller directed and written by Kim Sang-man, based on the popular...
Disney+ is about to unleash The Tyrant, a heart-pounding chase thriller! We got a taste of the action with a killer poster featuring Ja-kyung (played by Jo Yoon Su), a steely-eyed techie tasked with stealing a super-soldier serum called the “Tyrant Program.” The poster hints at a crazy free-for-all as...
A deadly game of biowarfare is about to explode in The Tyrant, a brand new Korean series hitting Disney+ on August 14th. This high-stakes thriller throws us into a world where rogue Korean scientists cook up a super-virus, “The Tyrant Project,” aiming to make their nation a global powerhouse. But...
Starring Jo Yoon Su, Cha Seung Won, Kim Seon Ho, and Kim Kang Woo, the eagerly awaited series makes its global debut in 2024! When a game-changing bioenhancer is stolen during a secret handover between Korean and US intelligence agencies, both governments will have to work together and race to...
Joining the bankable actor is a powerhouse cast including Heo Joon Ho, Ahn Gil Kang, Lee Bum Soo, Gong Myung, Choo Young Woo, and Jo Han Chul. Cha Seung Won and Lee Joon Hyuk also affirm special participation in the series. Based on the Naver webtoon Gwangjang, Mercy For None...
An all-star cast meets an iconic filmmaker in War and Revolt! Set against the chaos of war, the highly anticipated War and Revolt (WT) takes viewers on a gripping journey through the lives of two childhood friends turned adversaries. Starring Kang Dong Won as the formidable Cheon-young and Park Jung...
Confirming the lead cast, director Park Hoon Jung reunites with actors he worked with in his recent films. Tyrant follows the story of people chasing each other after the last sample of the “tyrant’s program” disappears due to a delivery accident. Steering the movie project is director Park Hoon Jung...
Taking pride in its beautiful cinematography, superb screenplay, star-studded cast ensemble and breathtaking production design, Our Blues deems itself the best omnibus drama of 2022! Our Blues gained attention and good reviews from viewers across the globe—and rightfully so! This series does not lack humor, romance, drama and relevance. Not...