Summoning memories of old genuine love, a special couple poster was unveiled by Chief Detective 1958. Chief Detective 1958 is a prequel to Chief Inspector Park, an iconic Korean investigative drama. It is set 10 years earlier and will cover the younger days of detective Park Young-han, Korea’s representative fictional...
MBC’s upcoming Friday-Saturday drama goes full force in the latest teaser featuring Lee Je Hoon. Chief Detective 1958 is a prequel to Chief Inspector Park, an iconic Korean investigative drama. It is set 10 years earlier and will cover the younger days of detective Park Young-han, Korea’s representative fictional detective...
A prequel to a well-loved crime investigation series, Chief Investigator 1963 confirms Lee Je Hoon as the male lead. The series is based on the national drama Detective Inspector which aired in the 1970s and 1980s and achieved viewership ratings as high as 70%. Chief Investigator The Beginning (WT) is...