KBS2 TV’s new midweek drama, School 2021, has dropped character posters of its main leads. School 2021 threads on the lives of 18-year-old students going on a different route from the usual university entrance examination. Chasing dreams, forming friendships and embarking on a challenging journey, these teenagers stand on ambiguous...
Uniquely deviating from its previous school setup, KBS2 TV reveals a video teaser of School 2021 featuring Kim Yo Han, Cho Yi Hyun, Chu Young Woo and Hwang Boreumbyeol. School 2021 threads on the lives of 18-year-old students going on a different route from the usual university entrance examination. Chasing...
KBS2 TV unveils a group poster for School 2021, the network’s upcoming Wednesday-Thursday series. School 2021 threads on the lives of 18-year-old students going on a different route from the usual university entrance examination. Chasing dreams, forming friendships and embarking on a challenging journey, these teenagers stand on ambiguous grounds....
Now is the time to prepare your hearts, K-Drama fans! Police University is about to make our weeks more meaningful starting July and the new stills from their script reading are proof that the drama is going to be an exceptional one! Just recently, KBS released the highly-awaited table-read stills from...