Selected for the New York Times Best International Shows of 2021, Netflix announces a second season for D.P. Netflix affirmed the production of Season 2 for D.P., which premiered on August 27th of this year. The series is highly-lauded for bringing hidden social issues to light. D.P. follows Deserter Pursuit Unit...
Since stealing our hearts with his breakout performance in Something in the Rain, Jung Hae In has cemented his position as a sought-after versatile male lead. Powering nuanced portrayals from his supporting and lead roles, his rise to prominence is without recourse. Impressively, the actor is showing no other way...
A wide range of stories is ready to take off in the newest K-Drama offerings in August! From romance, action, thriller and period themes; the audience can pick their preferences in the well-represented genre of Korean dramas next month. Seasoned and talented actors are also set to make their small...
Netflix is your go-to platform for webtoon-based Korean dramas! This type of K-Drama have taken the center stage in the recent years. Presenting imaginative worlds and interesting characters, the webtoon based series have slowly carved a niche to the thriving K-Drama landscape. Webtoon, a kind of digital comic, are very...
Jung Hae In, Koo Kyo Hwan, Kim Sung Kyun and Son Suk Ku headline new Netflix original series – D.P.! This K-Drama season for Netflix is all about “chasing” – whether it may be dreams and love. A surprising mix is coming up though for Netflix original series, D.P. –...