Engrossing viewers with its unique story, Delightfully Deceitful features compelling performances from Chun Woo Hee and Kim Dong Wook. Director Lee Soo-hyun reveals the casting process for the two lead stars. Proving to be the freshest and most interesting casting combination in 2023, the main leads of Delightfully Deceitful continuously...
Reality and fantasy are well-represented in the roster of May 2023 Korean Dramas. Web series and OTT dramas also take the bulk of anticipated series in May. Best Korean Drama List: 2000 – 2005 | 2006 – 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015...
tvN’s new Monday-Tuesday drama, Delightfully Deceitful dawns drama promotion with previews of the characters portrayed by Chun Woo Hee and Kim Dong Wook. Delightfully Deceitful tells the collaboration between two completely different people, a fraudster who cannot empathize and an overly sympathetic lawyer. It is a revenge story against absolute...
A preview to Delightfully Deceitful is unveiled in the recently held table-read. Delightfully Deceitful tells the collaboration between two completely different people, a fraudster who cannot empathize and an overly sympathetic lawyer. It is a revenge story against absolute evil. Chun Woo Hee takes on the role of Lee Reum,...
Previously unveiled by tvN, Delightfully Deceitful gears up for its premiere in May. Top-billed by Kim Dong Wook and Chun Woo Hee; Yoon Park is also announced to appear in the lead cast. Delightfully Deceitful tells the collaboration between two completely different people, a fraudster who cannot empathize and an overly...