I lost count how many times alliances and betrayals got the best of me in the riveting tale of Doctor Prisoner. Rallied by a brilliant male-dominated cast, Doctor Prisoner has moved to exchanges of ploys and deceptions that keeps you high with its thrill. Providing equally engrossing textures of its...
2021 marks a new decade of Korean Dramas! A few days ago, I realized that 20 years’ worth of Korean dramas have taken small and significant moments of my life as a K-Drama fan. I’m not sure if I would still be a diligent fan after ten years. Hence, I...
Phenomenal workplace stories dominated the roster of 2019 Korean Dramas and character-driven series went home with runaway hits. Proving brave storylines yield favorable response, victorious 2019 Korean dramas had either courageous plot or peerless characters. My guideline for choosing the notable 2019 Korean Dramas are pretty much the basics: inventive...