The lead stars of JTBC’s new weekend series graced the drama presentation that was broadcast live on YouTube. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm...
Park Shin Hye is back on the small screen! The production team released still cuts of the actress assimilating into Nam Ha-neul, a diligent doctor who only knows about work. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In...
Making his small screen return, Park Hyung Sik portrays a star doctor experiencing a life downswing in Doctor Slump. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and...
Joining the growing roster of healing dramas, the new JTBC series aims to bring empathy and consolation to those feeling burdened in life. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light...
Adding to the exciting and engrossing Korean series roster on Netflix are highly anticipated new dramas this month! January 2024 Korean dramas on Netflix feature the concluding part of Gyeongseong Creature, and the small screen comebacks of well-loved actors Kim Hyun Joo, Jo Jung Suk, Shin Se Kyung, Park Shin...
An interesting assortment of stories is featured in January 2024 Korean dramas! Covering a plethora of exciting genres, viewers can expect a bountiful new K-Drama year ahead! Best Korean Drama List: 2000 – 2005 | 2006 – 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015...
Evoking warmth, the main poster of Doctor Slump invites viewers to an unforgettable reunion story. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm solace. In charge...
The lead stars of Doctor Slump are featured in the latest teaser highlighting their school days’ back story. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm...
Having an eventful year, JTBC aims to continue its amazing drama run in 2024 with confirmed series’ lineup coming up! This year, JTBC was active in re-establishing its identity as a drama with popular stories with a fresh and sophisticated vibe. Including Doctor Cha, which recorded the highest viewership rating...
JTBC’s new romantic comedy, Doctor Slump, also confirms Yoon Park and Kong Seong Ha as the main leads. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm...