The Extraordinary Attorney Woo star displays her natural beauty during the autumn-themed pictorial with Marie Claire and Jo Malone London. Park Eun Bin continuously receives love and attention for her excellent character portrayal and passionate performance as Woo Young-woo. ENA’s comforting series has successfully ended after premiering its 16th episode...
With the success of Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Joo Jung Hyuk expresses his utmost gratitude and promises to work harder in the future. Extraordinary Attorney Woo depicts the story of Woo Young-woo (Park Eun Bin), who has a genius brain and autism, solving cases from a different point of view. As...
After gaining recognition for the heartwarming series, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, ENA unveils the drama lineup for the second half of 2022. Headed by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Yoon Young Pil, ENA, the main channel of Sky Tv, has been continuously operating since 2004. Right after rebranding in April, the company...