With an outstanding cast and well-crafted side stories, Flex X Cop took the simple premise of a begrudging partnership between a chaebol heir and a righteous detective! It gifted viewers with an exciting and heart-moving tale that has readily secured its place as a worthwhile hidden gem. Main Leads: Ahn...
The new SBS series ostensibly captures distinct colors of its characters in the latest teaser. Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and a third-generation childish chaebol who...
Park Ji Hyun pairs up with Ahn Bo Hyun In Flex X Cop! Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and a third-generation childish chaebol who loves having...
Rich, resourceful and fashionable – Ahn Bohyun stars as the son of a conglomerate owner who joins the police’s Violent Crimes Unit. When a procedural mix-up sees the son of a wealthy Korean conglomerate owner get parachuted into a new role with the police’s Violent Crimes Unit, the heir will...
The exciting bickering between a parachute tycoon detective and a genius police officer heightens interest in the upcoming SBS series! Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and...
Ahn Bo Hyun looks expensive and adorable in the first stills of SBS series, Flaunt X Cop! Flex X Cop follows the story of a chaebol detective who catches criminals. Joining the lineage of SBS Friday-Saturday heroes, Ahn Bo Hyun portrays Jin Yi-soo a parachute detective and a third-generation childish...