KBS, JTBC, CJ ENM and Netflix have confirmed delaying Korean drama productions owing to the recent cases of coronavirus which hit members of the production team. In a press release on August 22, KBS disclosed their official announcement after an emergency meeting. From the period of August 24 to August...
Lee Joon Gi’s two-faced character is out in the open! And we are only on the second episode of Flower of Evil. For its opening week, Flower of Evil has driven an impressive picture. One that piques interest right away because the process of discovering your lover’s dark side usually...
Flower of Evil marked its premiere with relatively impressive numbers for tvN’s Wednesday-Thursday slot. Taking a thrilling plot, Flower of Evil revolves around the story of a psychopath who turned a new leaf leaving his old vile identity. However, his wife who is a police officer delves to unearth the truth about...
It’s take-me-to-oppa’s-arms-Tuesday and we have Lee Joon Gi strutting his dapper self, making us miss being sun-kissed while dreaming our very own summer romance. *wink Donning vibrant colored clothing in summer theme, Lee Joon Gi charms in the backdrop of Macau. He wears dandy and comfy clothing complementing his sweet...
Countdown to Flower of Evil premiere keeps getting exciting with teaser treats from tvN! Character stills of actor Lee Joon Gi has been released by tvN and it captured the complex role the actor is primed to portray. Taking a thrilling plot, Flower of Evil revolves around the story of...