Female power screams in the heroine-centric titles featured in October 2021 Korean Dramas! Much-anticipated small-screen returns are also set for lauded and top actors. Riveting stories tinged with action, romance and drama are the narrative flavors to taste in these upcoming treats. Best Korean Drama List: 2000 – 2005 |...
Setting a mysterious ambiance, Jirisan taunts a riveting and death-defying experience as Gianna Jun and Ju Ji Hoon transform as valiant mountain rangers. Upcoming mystery and thriller drama, Jirisan recently unveiled its official teaser. Captivating through its unique plot, the viewers can anticipate the highly-anticipated series as notable media practitioners unite. Jirisan follows an...
Evoking an enigmatic countenance, Gianna Jun sparks interest in the poster unveiled for JIRISAN. All set for its eagerly-awaited premiere, iQiyi original K-series Jirisan is starred by Gianna Jun and Ju Ji Hoon. Directed by Lee Eung-bok (Goblin, Descendants Of The Sun), writer Kim Eun-hee (Kingdom, Signal) and starring Gianna Jun...
Get your dauntless spirit ready for this year’s highly anticipated drama adventure in Jirisan! iQiyi original Korean drama Jirisan, created by director Lee Eung-bok (Goblin, Descendants Of The Sun), writer Kim Eun-hee (Kingdom, Signal) and starring Gianna Jun and Ju Ji Hoon, affirms worldwide premiere in October on iQiyi international, simulcast with...
Jun Ji Hyun is South Korea’s representative top actress for a lot of reasons. That includes giving life to Ashin and convincing us that her end game is worth all the pain and treachery she sustained. Kingdom: Ashin of the North describes the phrase “hell hath no fury like a...
Set to uncover the story of Ashin and the resurrection plant that spurred the tragic plague in Joseon, Kingdom: Ashin of the North is all ready for its global premiere on July 23! But before the special episode of the phenomenal hit series Kingdom releases worldwide, check out the details...
In the main trailer released by Netflix, a land forbidden for 100 years – the resurrection plant that grows there and Ashin’s story which everyone has been curious about was revealed. The Kingdom series special episode Kingdom: Ashin of the North main trailer teases the beginning of the great tragedy...
Starring Gianna Jun, the special episode reveals the origins of the resurrection plant that triggered the avalanche of tragic events that swept through Joseon and a woman abandoned by all – Ashin. Netflix has released the main poster for Kingdom: Ashin of the North, a special episode of the Kingdom...
Kingdom: Ashin of the North readies the viewers to embark on another thrilling journey! Netflix has confirmed July 23rd as the release date of Kingdom: Ashin of the North, a special episode that will expand the horizons of the Kingdom series, a much loved Netflix Series created by Korean storytellers....
Actress Jun Ji Hyun clarified that the divorce and separation rumors with her husband are not true. In 2010, Jun Ji-Hyun married Choi Jun Hyuk who is known as the largest shareholder of Alpha Asset Management and the actress’s elementary classmate. Cultural Depot said “We will tell you about the...