Netflix’s new series, My Name, releases a teaser trailer that piques fans’ interest. My Name depicts a dramatic action that follows the cruel reality of Ji Woo, portrayed by Han So Hee. She enters an organization under a new name to identify the person who murdered his father. In the...
After her sweet character in Nevertheless, Han So Hee challenges a new genre in an upcoming action-thriller drama, My Name. Directed by Kim Jin Min and written by Kim Ba Da, My Name follows the story of Yoon Ji-woo (Han So Hee), who seeks revenge after witnessing her father’s death. Ji-Woo works in an...
Confirmed to broadcast on October 15, Han So Hee returns as a revenge-driven undercover agent in My Name. Along with actors Ahn Bo Hyun, Park Hee Sun, and other veteran actors, Han So Hee sets to lead the eagerly-anticipated Netflix series. Han So Hee & Ahn Bo Hyun Clinch New...
Mirroring the youth of today, Nevertheless carves relationships that go beyond its thrilling phase. Set as a campus romance, Nevertheless represents relationships from different standpoints. Characters creatively illustrate various views on love and relationships, modeling a diverse perspective on love. Main Cast: Han So Hee | Song Kang | Chae...
A definition of exquisite and sheer beauty, Han So Hee graces the cover page of Harper’s BAZAAR Korea along with an interview. This September, sought-after actress Han So Hee will be making her first magazine cover pictorial with Harper’s BAZAAR. Posing under the concept “Portraits of So Hee,” the actress...
Drenched from the rain, Jae-eon drunkenly confronts Nabi in the latest episode of Nevertheless. Back in the bar where they first met, Nabi and Jae-eon talk about Do-hyeok. Meanwhile, Do-hyeok receives advice about his feelings for Nabi in the restaurant he is working for. He sights Nabi together with Jae-eon...
Nevertheless episode 8 relays two heartfelt confessions. Do-hyeok walks with Nabi on her way home, and sweetly confesses his feelings for her. However, she turns him down because she believes it is not the right time to date again. Back in Seoul, Jae-eon and Nabi visit a gallery, wherein Jae-eon...
The actor’s charming and heart-melting eye smile catches the hearts of many viewers from in his recent projects. Debuted in 2018, the actor has made himself known with his unique and unparalleled charms in small roles in Come and Hug Me as well as Stove League. Early this year, he...
Nevertheless star Han So Hee bails out of the film Gentleman due to health reasons. On August 4, her agency U-ATTO Entertainment made an official statement confirming the actress getting off the project. According to the agency, Han So Hee was motivated to appear in the movie. However, due to...
In the latest episode of Nevertheless, Nabi tries to practice safe distancing from Jae-eon, but fails to do so. As Jae-eon and the other students from their department arrive in the guesthouse, Nabi feels surprised and bothered by Jae-eon’s presence. Jae-eon watches Nabi and Do-hyeok together from afar since they...