Missing: The Other Side is a scenic spot of its own among the rest of the Korean dramas that aired this season. Healing in a crime series is an unlikely element, but Missing: The Other Side gave us an idea that it can be irrevocably attractive. The series’ skill in...
I really found a hidden gem in Missing: The Other Side. I hope we stay this way up to the finale! Displaying a complete story package, Go Soo and Heo Joon Ho are making me root for them in their advocacy in Missing: The Other Side. The series has packed...
A con man who stumbled on a village inhabited by dead people, whose bodies have not been found yet, spins the story of Missing: The Other Side! Go Soo, is that actor that I never had a serious fangirling spree moment even when I was younger. Interestingly though, most of...
OCN secured broadcast date for their newest weekend drama, Missing: The Other Side! Starring Go Soo and Heo Joon Ho, the series also stars Ahn So Hee, Seo Eun Soo, Ha Joon, and Song Geun Hee. Set to mark another thrilling story, OCN formed a solid cast to mystery fantasy...