Set to show the bigger crisis of a casino legend, a more thrilling story can be expected in Big Bet Season 2! Disney+ announces that Big Bet Season 2 is scheduled to be released on February 15. Completing its story from the first season, the second season has 8 episodes...
Breaking grounds in a foreign setting, Big Bet ventures on a story packed with crime and corruption. Initially seeming light, the story of a man with humble beginnings turns darker as he becomes a legend outside his country. Confronting uncomfortable truths from both countries featured, the series depicts a realistic...
Onto his last gamble in life after being entangled in a murder case, casino legend Cha Moo-sik continues his story on Big Bet Season 2. Disney+ announces that Big Bet Season 2 is scheduled to be released on February 15. Completing its story from the first season, the second season...
Even with different locations, Moo-sik meets success in managing casinos in Big Bet. Becoming friends with prominent politicians in Manila, Moo-sik reaches new heights in running a casino. However, with the administration change, he moves to Caliz, but still becomes successful with Bolton in its opening. Meanwhile, Oh Seung-hun arrives...
Coupang Play’s The Bait finally confirmed its release on January 27, along with the first poster and trailer release. To be directed by Kim Hong Sun (Voice, The Guest, Money Heist Korea), Decoy is billed as a crime thriller drama that traces a rare criminal who is known to have...
Testing out a man’s luck in life, Big Bet dives into the mind of a gambler. Despite having the grit and resilience to fight whatever is thrown in life, a man’s origin finds its way to drag him down the same path he ought to avoid. Opening Week Rating: Marcie...
Justice is not always served. Insider depicts that sometimes – you must take matters into your own hands. JTBC’s action-suspense drama Insider follows the story of a judicial trainee facing a moral dilemma while seeking justice. Main Cast: Kang Ha Neul | Lee Yoo Young | Heo Sung Tae Supporting...
Finding the truth behind countless mysteries, the real Adamas was found, yet the battle to take down the carpet-baggers is still ongoing. Adamas ends with a mind-boggling mystery. Could it be that Woo-shin will write another chapter in search of his twin brother? In a world full of powerful ingrates,...
Concluding this week, the enthralling SBS series Adamas consistently served gripping moments for K-Drama viewers. Credit to the efficiently utilized cast, Adamas received the support that it deserves. As the series closed, the lead actors expressed their feelings about the series ending. Ji Sung, who excelled in the dual roles...
As Mr. Kwon destroys any evidence that will expose him, the twins try their best to get the Adamas on their hands. Song Su-hyun visits his biological father, Lee Chang-woo, to know where the Adamas is, but Chang-woo does not want to say anything because he knows that all of...