This Valentine’s Day, Netflix invites you to embark on an emotional journey with the highly anticipated K-drama Melo Movie. Set to premiere on February 14, this heartwarming series explores themes of love, healing, and second chances, offering a perfect blend of romance and personal growth that’s sure to resonate with...
Great news for fans of Korean dramas: the highly anticipated series As You Stood By (WT) has officially begun production, featuring a stellar cast that includes Jeon So Nee, Lee You Mi, Jang Seung Jo, and Lee Mu Saeng. The gripping narrative explores the unforeseen events that unfold when two...
Since Parasyte: The Grey premiered last April 5, the latest Korean series has topped the non-English TV list on Netflix globally for two consecutive weeks, clocking in 9.8 million viewing hours this week alone. One of the most talked about moments in the series is when a person’s head splits...
Viewers will get the best of imaginative worlds in April 2024 Korean Dramas! Trusted actors are set to carry inventive stories that would serve a wide range of audiences. Best Korean Drama List: 2000 – 2005 | 2006 – 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014...
Netflix has just dropped the main poster and trailer for sci-fi horror Parasyte: The Grey, giving audiences a nail-biting glimpse into the world of parasitic organisms and the relentless struggle of humanity against their invasion. Expanding the universe of the original best-selling manga, “Parasyte,” by Hitoshi Iwaaki, the series tells...
The new Netflix series drops an intriguing first look ahead of its premiere on April 5! The much-awaited teaser trailer and poster of Parasyte: The Grey are here, offering a peek into its riveting storyline. Directed by Yeon Sang-ho, the series is set to expand the world of the globally...
Dropping its launch poster, Parasyte: The Grey, premiering April 5, offers a peek into an eerie reality of parasitic life forms infiltrating Korea. As unidentified parasitic life forms that live off human hosts strive to grow their power and start to disrupt society, a group of humans wage war against...
Along with the release date, a teaser poster and trailer were unfurled for Soulmate! Soulmate is a remake of the 2016 Chinese film of the same name. It tells the story of two friends who shared fond memories together. The film stars Kim Da Mi, Jeon So Nee and Byun...
Ahead of the premiere of Our Blooming Youth; actors Park Hyung Sik, Jeon So Nee, Pyo Ye Jin, Yoon Jong Suk, Lee Tae Sun and Director Lee Jong Jae graced the online drama presentation. Our Blooming Youth, a new Monday-Tuesday shows on tvN, is a mysterious theme drama that tells...
In Our Blooming Youth, two incidents entwined the characters to be portrayed by Park Hyung Sik and Jeon So Nee. Our Blooming Youth, a new Monday-Tuesday shows on tvN, is a mysterious theme drama that tells the story of a cursed prince while also investigating a family murder case, in...