Saet Byul returns to work in the convenience store, and even secure her first ever regular job in episode 11 of Backstreet Rookie. A couple of revelations hit Dae Hyun as well, making his moving on stage with Yeon Joo even quicker because it involves his family. As he patched...
Finally! Yeon Joo arrived at a decision that makes all fans of Backstreet Rookie happy! Going back and forth with her decisions brought about by misunderstandings that can’t be denied anymore, Yeon Joo makes a painful decision to end her relationship with Dae Hyun. Charting in relatively high back-to-back scores...
Crossing the halfway mark of the series, Backstreet Rookie honestly is a test of faith for K-Drama fans. I am still praying that Backstreet Rookie will not become a drama disappointment for me this year since there’s still quite some episodes to make up for the evident lapses. So, I...
Saet Byul showed she has the bigger heart in Backstreet Rookie episode 6, as Dae Hyun confronts the reality of his relationship with Yeon Joo. Emotions of unreciprocated love and jealous hearts overflow in the latest episode of Backstreet Rookie. Now that love confessions are completed, decisions to push or...
Cheering for Saet Byul has been set since day 1 of Backstreet Rookie. More so now, that the people she loves are not reciprocating her genuine care. Episode 5 of Backstreet Rookie deepened the relationship crack between Dae Hyun (Ji Chang Wook) and Yeon Joo (Han Sun Hwa) as Saet...
We have every reason not to root for Dae Hyun and Yeon Joo as the latter has so far given us pictures of annoying girl we don’t want to be friends of. It makes us want to kidnap Dae Hyun to shield him from the trouble named Yeon Joo. It...
Glimpses of Saet Byul’s past and Dae Hyun’s stagnant relationship are highlights in the 3rd episode of Backstreet Rookie! Whoever is writing the witty lines on Backstreet Rookie, especially those from Saet Byul’s friends, deserves a raise! While Dae Hyun raises vexation for taking to bits the love-is-blind banner, I...
Backstreet Rookie completes its character introductions on its second episode while also presenting the world of convenience store. That’s another reeling point for this series which has been mounting its setting to something even me has not paid attention for, considering there has been ample amount of workplace drama over...
I had to wait for my rest days this week to officially add Backstreet Rookie on my watch list. Eagerly-awaited owing to its love pairing featuring Ji Chang Wook and Kim Yoo Jung expectations are soaring high for this new romantic comedy. And why not? Its premiere episode delivered with...
SBS unleashed three official posters for its upcoming Friday-Saturday series, Backstreet Rookie! That prized broadcast spot is usually the seat occupied by dramas with anticipated following. Whether the newest romantic comedy succeeds, we’ll have to wait and see. Having Ji Chang Wook and Kim Yoo Jung on-board makes any k-drama...