tvN’s upcoming drama unveiled a distinctive group poster featuring five individuals, hinting at the complex relationships entwined within JU Construction. Set to premiere in July, The Auditors revolves around the audit team of JU Construction, plagued by embezzlement, corruption, and accidents. A female auditor arrives to root out the company’s...
In the upcoming tvN drama The Auditors, set to debut on July 6, Jin Goo takes on the role of Hwang Dae-woong, the vice president of JU Construction, known for his intense clashes with the audit team. Playing the rebellious youngest son of JU Construction’s founder, Hwang Dae-woong is portrayed...
The star of the recent thrilling drama A Superior Day is confirmed for a new project! Disney+’s new series 형사록 Criminal Records/Detective Records (LT) chronicles the story of a detective who becomes a murder suspect of a colleague. He chases his past to catch an unidentified blackmailer. Portraying the role...
In 24 hours, a father needs to remember the face of the killer that he forgot or his beloved daughter will die. OCN’s intriguing chase-the-criminal series vaunted a promising narrative. To run for eight episodes, if you like thrilling stories, the first episode previews riveting storytelling that is neatly done...
An ordinary father, a contract assassin and a serial killer are the main characters of OCN’s riveting new series A Superior Day. To be aired on March 13, the series chronicles a 24-hour runaway thriller in which the most ordinary man has to kill the serial killer living next door...
Decked for March premiere, A Superior Day excites anticipating fans with script-reading event teasers. Derived from a popular webtoon of the same name by Aruani, the series realizes the idea of “only the strong survive”. It is a 24-hour thriller in which the most ordinary man must kill the serial...
A few years since it aired, Descendants of the Sun still remains to be a favorite of K-Drama fans. Despite the reel-turned-real-romance of the Song-Song couple failed to endure, in the hearts of its fans – Yoo Shi-jin’s and Kang Mo-yeon’s love goes on. Indeed, it is considered one of...