MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama, Joseon Lawyer, brandishes the first photos of its lead character. Joseon Lawyer depicts the story of a Joseon-era lawyer who takes revenge on enemies who killed his parents by utilizing his trial skills. Moreover, his character also grows into a real lawyer for the people. It...
Never miss out on any series in the roster of 2023 Korean dramas! Bookmark this feature as KDRAMADIARY will constantly update this throughout the year along with the monthly list. Our team follows a slightly different calendar in consideration of some dramas aired in the month of December that crosses...
Featuring an attractive story sketch, MBC announces the casting and details of its upcoming sageuk series. 조선변호사 Joseon Lawyer (LT) tells the story of a lawyer on a mission to take revenge on an enemy that killed his parents. From revenge, it will highlight his growth as a champion of...