From the mind behind hit drama, MOVING, the new Disney+ original features an enigmatic story not to be missed. After entertaining audiences across the world in 2023 with his unmissable super-powered drama Moving, lauded screenwriter Kangfull returns later this year with Light Shop – a mysterious drama that explores life,...
Dwelling on the intense court battlefield, HYENA challenges the viewers’ perception and blurs established ideas of certain situations. Brimming with satisfying strife and spiraling events, HYENA keeps you on your toes as it keeps you surprised every single time! The legal series tells the story of two distinct lawyers who...
For K-Drama fans, yearning for extensions on well-loved Korean romance series featuring well-loved K-Drama couples is normal. We pass through stages of K-Drama-send-off-grief before we achieve closure. From creating our own alternate ending reveries to hunting behind-the-scenes videos; it is undoubtedly a struggle, but something that comes naturally when immersing...
To be helmed by acclaimed director Lee Soo Yeon of Stranger series fame; the series also stars Lee Hee Jun, Lee Moo Saeng and Park Ji Yeon. 지배종 Dominant Species (LT) depicts the story of a new age of artificially cultured meat. It explores a world where food is eaten as...
Resembling the experience of hiking a mountain, Jirisan gave viewers a few moments of contemplation whether to endure the sedated arduous ascend of the story. At the end of it all, upon reaching the drama’s peak, it interestingly echoes the feeling of admiring the summit view, while savoring the drama...
Down the stretch, heartbreaks and concluding revelations surged in the ensuing chapters of Jirisan. Absolving Goo-young to be the mountain killer, Hyun-jo’s delving of the past connects to Yi-gang’s present mission. Yi-gang and Hyun-jo also poignantly reunite, but might be the last time they could do so. abbyinhallyuland watched Jirisan...
Emotions pour out in the 12th episode of Jirisan as Yi-gang finally released the knots in her heart regarding her parents. Hyun-jo continues to investigate the links of his visions to the mountain killings. And it’s definitely hard to draw a conclusion when it involved quite a few time periods....
Two important incidents were unveiled in the 11th episode of Jirisan. It slowly leads to the anticipated climactic reveal of the hidden culprit. It turns out that Yi-gang’s initial doubt about Chief Jo was groundless. Still, the possible culprit hinted is not yet confirmed. At the end of episode 10,...
It’s the first time we see Team Haedong branch literally all together in action in Jirisan! Definitely one of the best episodes in the entire series, the 10th chapter of Jirisan presented a solid story of teamwork without swerving to the climactic mystery peeking on the horizon. abbyinhallyuland watched Jirisan...
It feels distressing how Yi-gang can sustain her mission, now that she does not have someone to help her anymore. Slowly mounting the story’s peak, this chapter can be considered a rest point. Despite an unfortunate event, the clarity and significance of the details featured in this episode would most...