Offering a fresh and promising storyline, Today’s Webtoon showcases and explores behind the scenes in the webtoon office world. The new SBS drama, Today’s Webtoon, aspiringly takes the series as an opportunity to share how editors and writers work together to upload comics on a daily basis. In reality, the editors...
Exceptional detectives of The Good Detective 2 continue to chase and investigate vicious criminals with hideous desires. In the latest released still-cut, JTBC’s The Good Detective 2 displays the bromance between the characters, Kang Do-chang (Son Hyun Joo) and Oh Ji-hyeok (Jang Seung Jo). For the second season, the two...
The Good Detective 2 announces Kim Hyo Jin and Jung Moon Sung joining the cast as the series’ wealthy couple. Kim Hyo Jin and Jung Moon Sung join the cast of The Good Detective 2 to play the role of a wealthy couple. New cast members of the well-loved JTBC...
TVING’s To X Who Doesn’t Love Me reveals the official poster showcasing the adorable lead couple, NCT’s Doyoung and Han Ji Hyo. Standing side by side, the lead couple of To X Who Doesn’t Love Me oozes sweet and youthful visuals. Doyoung as Jeong Si-ho wears neat clothing and a hairstyle...
Reprising their roles in The Good Detective 2, the fascinating tandem reunites with the efficient detective team of the Incheon Western Police Department. Finally decked for its launch, the well-loved 2020 JTBC series slates its premiere in July. Looking back, the drama left the audience with a deep impression as...
Big Mouth reveals main posters highlighting distinctive details between the characters portrayed by Lee Jong Suk and Im Yoona. Getting a glimpse of the lead couple, the posters showcase the differences between the characters Park Chang-ho and Ko Mi-ho. Talking about their appearances, Lee Jong Suk (Park Chang-ho) has a scar...
Im Yoona returns on-screen as girl crush nurse Ko Mi-ho in the upcoming legal series, Big Mouth. The actress stars as the main lead with Lee Jong Suk in Big Mouth. In the series, she portrays a nurse who has exceptional beauty and brimming with confidence. She is the wife...