An unexpected journey to self-love will be featured in the heartwarming film, Ajooma. TBA Studios has acquired exclusive Philippine theatrical distribution rights to the lighthearted family drama Ajoomma, which will be released on March 15. Directed by Singaporean filmmaker, He Shuming, his feature debut film tells the story of a...
Tackling a sensitive topic on religious cults, Brain Works demonstrates harsh but lingering lessons about faith. Following a peculiar new murder case involving an evil spirit, the NIS team must rescue a child and her mother from the clutches of a religious sect. anonymouse watched Brain Works on Viu Episode...
What goes on in people’s private lives is always a mystery. Everyone interprets situations in line with their assumptions. Upon discovering the body, a Vietnamese woman’s face and hands had been burned beyond recognition. The primary suspects include the husband of the victim who was described to have facial blindness,...
Halfway through the series, Unlock My Boss continues to reflect on issues of poverty, power abuse, and the value of trust. Shortly after receiving a mysterious text, Seon-ji and In-seong plan on exposing the suspect at the next board meeting. It turns out it was Se-yeon pondering about her boss’...
Suggesting a transfixing series ahead, Brain Cooperation characters are highlighted in the released group poster. Slated to premiere on January 2 on KBS 2TV’s Monday-Tuesday slot, Brain Cooperation is a brain science comic investigation drama in which two men who can’t kill each other solve a criminal case related to...
Powerful women in Mine gloriously recognize their identity as something they can truly call their own. In search of what they can call their own, people inside Hyowon mansion explore how far they could go. Along with that, women in Mine break barriers and liberate themselves from society’s judgment. Main...