Off with righteous convictions, Blind courses a narrative filled with potentially duplicitous characters. Beginning with a murder case, two brothers with distinct temperaments and a warm social worker cast their own doubts on the real culprit of the case. Like a puzzle to be completed, viewers may enjoy deducing the...
Launched earlier, tvN’s new Friday-Saturday series, Blind, held its online drama presentation. Director Shin Yong-hwi, Ok Taecyeon, Ha Seok Jin, and Jung Eun Ji were in attendance. Blind traverses the story of discovering the true culprit of a serial murder case involving a court jury following the conclusion of a...
Describing their roles in detail, the lead characters of Blind share the captivating points of the upcoming mystery thriller drama. Scheduled to broadcast beginning September 16, Blind written by Kwon Ki Kyung, follows the story of victims who were once ordinary citizens and offenders who disregard the disturbing reality in...
All decked to launch, Blind has been generating interest for its story sketch revealed through the teasers! Blind traverses the story of ordinary people who have become unfair victims and the perpetrators who only believe the uncomfortable truth. Featuring a detective, a judge, a social worker, and a jury of...
Curious eyes keen to unravel the truth are seen in the lead stars of tvN’s new series, Blind. Blind traverses the story of ordinary people who have become unfair victims and the perpetrators who only believe the uncomfortable truth. Featuring a detective, a judge, a social worker, and a jury...
Lee Sun Bin, Han Sun Hwa, Jung Eun Ji, and Choi Si Won are back with the second season of tvN’s comedy-life drama Work Later, Drink Now. The drama shows the different lives of three women in their 30s and their struggles with the reality of life. Starting with their...
Check your age K-Drama fans! And the years of how long you’ve been supporting your favorite K-Drama stars! Much of the featured well-loved Korean dramas in this list feature Korean actors and actresses that have kept their prominence and following shining through the years! Melodramas and a plethora of time-traveling...
Work Later, Drink Now shows that we all have different circumstances in our everyday lives. However, a simple get-together after a long tiring day makes our hearts a lot warmer. The drama tells the story of three single women in their 30’s who love to drink after work. Having different personalities,...
TVING’s upcoming original series Work Later, Drink Now unveiled character posters featuring its main cast! Scheduled to premiere on October 22, Work Later, Drink Now depicts the story of three women who believe that drinking a glass of wine after work defines life itself. For its upcoming launch, the production team...
A new web drama is underway for TVING and the production begins upon the completion of its casting. Titled 술꾼도시여자들 City Girl Drinkers (LT), the series chronicles the story of three women who believe that drinking a glass of wine after work defines life itself. Based on the webtoon Drunk...