KBS2’s new midweek series, Who is She has unveiled its vibrant character posters, building anticipation for its December 18 premiere. This heartwarming and humorous series is a modern retelling of the beloved film Miss Granny, promising a fresh take on the classic story of a grandmother who magically transforms into...
Teams Magic and Itaewon face off in the fun water-bomb-flying-chair game in the 6th episode of Young Actors’ Retreat! The loser prepares breakfast the next day. Taking advantage of the sunny day, they also engage in a game of charades. abbyinhallyuland watches Young Actors’ Retreat on Viu Episode Recaps: 01...
Truly living up to its promise of feel-good moments, the 5th episode of Young Actors’ Retreat presents a surplus of fun and laughter! Proceeding with their parade of games; Team Hanok and Team Activity engage in equally exciting game adventures. abbyinhallyuland watches Young Actors’ Retreat on Viu Episode Recaps: 01...
Back for the 4th episode, Young Actors’ Retreat goes for indoor and outdoor activities! Teams GDNM and Danmuji also go for another round of scare at an abandoned bath house. Representing GDNM is Kyung-soo while Seo-joon goes for Danmuji. The mission is to get exemption cards from the bathhouse. He...
Continuing the games in Young Actors’ Retreat, the third episode highlights the candid reactions of the actors as they traverse a haunted school. Following its kickoff, the three teams from dramas The Sound of Magic, Itaewon Class and Love in the Moonlight have settled with each other. abbyinhallyuland watches Young...
Finally launched, Youth Actors’ Retreat is loaded with candid interactions and fun-filled activities that will surely be loved by the fans of dramas The Sound of Magic, Itaewon Class and Love In The Moonlight. Designed as a reunion travel variety show among actors that worked together with Director Kim Seong...
Creating various boyfriend looks, the singer-actor decorated the pages of 1st Look fashion magazine. Like a male muse that he is, the spring-themed pictorial allude to his new beginning after completing the mandatory military service. Jinyoung, who recently moved to BB Entertainment, also prepares for his comeback drama Police Class...