Brimming with valuable lessons and exciting cases, Brain Works presents a refreshing tale of mystery and murder. The drama follows the Neuroscientific Investigations Team as they learn unpleasant realities about how different brains work as they seek to solve cases involving brain disorders. Main Cast: Jung Yong Hwa | Chae...
An unexpected twist of fate tests the strength of Myung-se’s integrity and the lengths he will go to for his daughter. Myung-se’s daughter, Yi-na gets caught in a case where she becomes the prime suspect. It is now up to Myung-se and Ha-ru to prove her innocence before everything gets...
Just when things start getting better, certain situations prompt trauma from the past to claw its way back to the surface. The identity of the latest murderer and his appeal to reduce his sentence because of his psychopathic brain divides the public. However, things do not go as planned, and...
In a world full of cruelty, Brain Works presents an agonizing, heart-rending and tragic story of two brothers protecting each other. A heinous murder occurred when a reclusive stepson murdered his mother when she went for a mountain walk. However, no clear evidence supports that the suspect is guilty of...
Taking a peek at a married couple’s rocky relationship, Brain Works reveals the great lengths a person will go to protect the ones they love. A man with Capgras Syndrome who believes his wife has been replaced with an AI program and his wife, who suddenly develops symptoms of conversion...
What goes on in people’s private lives is always a mystery. Everyone interprets situations in line with their assumptions. Upon discovering the body, a Vietnamese woman’s face and hands had been burned beyond recognition. The primary suspects include the husband of the victim who was described to have facial blindness,...
Despite their love-hate dynamic, Myung-Se and Ha-Ru eventually warm up to one another. After getting fired for illegally forging a consent form from a psychopath inmate, Shin Ha-Ru decided to work for Neuroscientific Investigations Team along with detective Geum Myung-Se and Captain Seol So-Jung to handle cases related to brain...
Offering a glimpse of the science behind how criminal minds work, Brain Works pitches a lighthearted approach to an unsettling plot. Determined to solve cases connected to brain disease, detective Gyum Myung Se and neuroscientist Shin Ha Ru work alongside to dig deeper into the complexity of how brains work....
Earlier, KBS2’s new Monday-Tuesday series, Brain Works held its online drama presentation. The series is a brain science comic investigation drama in which two men who can’t kill each other solve a criminal case related to a rare brain disease. It depicts the story of Shin Haru (Jung Yong Hwa), a...
Suggesting a transfixing series ahead, Brain Cooperation characters are highlighted in the released group poster. Slated to premiere on January 2 on KBS 2TV’s Monday-Tuesday slot, Brain Cooperation is a brain science comic investigation drama in which two men who can’t kill each other solve a criminal case related to...