Prepare to be captivated by the gripping tale of Uprising, which premieres on October 11, exclusively on Netflix. Uprising sets the stage for a captivating tale amidst the turmoil of war, focusing on the complex dynamics between two childhood friends who become adversaries. The film is set to premiere on...
Directed by Kim Sang-man and produced by the renowned Park Chan-wook, Uprising promises to deliver an emotionally charged narrative set against the turbulence of war. Uprising centers on the complex relationship between two childhood friends, Cheon-yeong and Jong-ryeo, who, despite their deep bond, are separated by their differing social statuses—Cheon-yeong is...
Fans of the enigmatic actor Kang Dong Won are in for a treat. His critically acclaimed film, The Designer, is set to captivate audiences once again, this time on the streaming platform Disney+. The movie, which previously enthralled cinemagoers upon its release last May, will be available exclusively on Disney+...
Korean superstars Gianna Jun and Kang Dong Won headline an upcoming series penned by Decision to Leave writer Chung Seokyung. Set for release on Disney+ in 2025, the Korean thriller Tempest promises a gripping mix of assassinations, political intrigue, conspiracies, and espionage. The plot centers on Munju, a skilled diplomat...
Philippine K-Movie fans are in for a treat as the lauded South Korean film Dr. Cheon and the Lost Talisman is coming to cinemas nationwide! Dr. Cheon and the Lost Talisman starring an ensemble of A-list cast members namely, Gang Dong-won, Heo Joon-ho, Esom, Lee Dong-hwi and Kim Jong-soo will be...
An all-star cast meets an iconic filmmaker in War and Revolt! Set against the chaos of war, the highly anticipated War and Revolt (WT) takes viewers on a gripping journey through the lives of two childhood friends turned adversaries. Starring Kang Dong Won as the formidable Cheon-young and Park Jung...
Powered by South Korea’s renowned stars, Broker was officially invited to the competition section of the 75th Cannes International Film Festival. Directed by acclaimed Japanese filmmaker Hirokazu Kore-eda, the film features a solid cast roster including Song Kang Ho, Kang Dong Won, Bae Doona, Lee Ji Eun and Lee Joo...
Weekends call for me-time, couple-time or family time. Why not spend it with these amazing romance movie treats on iQIYI?! From classic to contemporary stories, consider your movie date night with these free iQIYI film delights to be done. *Click the movie poster to go to the movie viewing link...
Happy Chuseok everyone! After all the struggles we are facing right now, let’s always be reminded that there are still a lot to be thankful for. For my Chuseok feature, I am writing about heartening Korean movies that you can watch with friends and family on your movie dates. Actually...
A good news for South Korea’s film industry this year, Peninsula continues raking in success! The sequel to hit zombie-flick Train to Busan stars Kang Won Do, Lee Jung Hyun and Lee Re. It depicts the final struggle of survivors on the ruined land, four years after the infected train...