Genie TV’s upcoming original series, To My Haeri, has unveiled its first teaser poster, promising a heartwarming romantic comedy. Directed by Jung Ji-hyun, known for hits like Twenty Five, Twenty One, and written by Han Ga-ram of When the Weather Is Fine, the drama features a star-studded cast including Shin...
The star-studded Genie TV original drama To My Haeri is set to premiere in September. 나의 해리에게 To My Haeri (LT) features a premise exploring psychological depth and romantic tension. The drama revolves around the complex romance between an announcer, Eun-ho, who develops a new personality, and her ex-boyfriend, Hyun-oh,...
Yearning in its purest form created a love miracle in A Time Called You! A Time Called You is a story about Han Jun-hee who is still grieving the death of her boyfriend. Somehow, she manages to travel back in time to the year 1998 and finds herself in a...
A Time Called You nears its premiere and here’s a roundup of the charming points to anticipate in the series! Netflix series A Time Called You is a time-travel romance that follows Jun-hee, who has been missing her partner since he died a year ago. She is then dragged back to...
Rolling out more teasers, A Time Called You releases press stills ahead of the premiere. Netflix series A Time Called You is a time-travel romance that follows Jun-hee, who has been missing her partner since he died a year ago. She is then dragged back to 1998 by fate and meets...
Traveling Between 1998 and 2023, the highly-anticipated Netflix time-slip series featuring Ahn Hyo Seop and Jeon Yeo Been drops new teasers. Netflix series A Time Called You is a time-travel romance that follows Jun-hee, who has been missing her partner since he died a year ago. She is then dragged back...
A stream of surprising revelations heightens the growing tension in the 5th week of The Secret Romantic Guesthouse. Dropping much-awaited answers to the theories thus far, the series enters a thrilling phase as the political struggle surges in the next episodes. abbyinhallyuland watches The Secret Romantic Guesthouse on Viu Episode...
Surprising revelations make the guessing game of the real heir to the throne complicated in the 4th week of The Secret Romantic Guesthouse. While romance highlights blossom in the story, the King’s mercurial wrath continuously leads to merciless deaths of people in the country. abbyinhallyuland watches The Secret Romantic Guesthouse...
Keeping viewers hooked with its puzzling who-is-snowflake-and-watchman game, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse opens new theories in its 3rd week. A clearer picture of the good and bad camps is also drawn in the latest episodes that boil down to the identity of Lee Seol and the quenchless desire of the...
From a modest opening week, the series doubles the pace and excitement with revelations in the 2nd week of The Secret Romantic Guesthouse. Dan-oh successfully made a deal with Master Jang and she acquiesces to have the three orabeonnis living in her inn be at her aid. abbyinhallyuland watches The...